A revolutionary assistive aid that gives power back to people with impaired hand function.
A revolutionary assistive aid that gives power back to people with impaired hand function.
Carbonhand is a revolutionary aid that gives back power to people with impaired hand function. Pressure sensors and advanced technology ensure the glove adds power in cases where the user’s own muscles are inadequate.
Carbonhand is an assistive aid in the form of a grip-strengthening glove with pressure sensors in the fingers that sense when the user needs support. The pressure sensors detect when the user initiates a hand grip and the glove then applies the power needed to ensure a firm grip. Carbonhand comes in five different sizes for right and left hands.
Artificial tendons and electric motors add power to the glove ensuring endurance for people with impaired hand function. This enables activities in everyday life, at work or during rehabilitation.
Use the app to create and customise your own profiles. For example, you may need more support for leisure activities and less for simpler household activities. You can then easily switch between your profiles with the push of a button on your wrist.
In addition to the actual glove, Carbonhand consists of a small power unit that distributes the power as required. You can wear Carbonhand on your back or around your waist, which allows it to be customised to suit the situation or your preferences.
Our goal is to develop innovative, wearable, soft exoskeletons that strengthen the body, prevent future injuries and compensate for reduced function.
Our unique SEM technology is based on the user's own activity. Pressure-sensitive sensors in the glove detect the user's grip. Small motors then help amplify the hand's power. How much force the glove provides depends on how hard the user is gripping and is easily determined and programmed in an app. In this way, our products assist the user with the right amount of force to compensate for reduced hand function. The SEM technology can be used for different parts of the body and can be used for both preventive, rehabilitative and compensatory purposes.
Our medical device is available through the VA. Tell us more about you and your practice, and we’ll contact you for more information.
Carbonhand is available through our partner, Affirmative Solutions, LLC on Contract Number: #36F79722D0022.
SIN: A-70, CAGE Code: 54J23, UEI: DNV7E1GBTDW7,
Keyword Search: "Carbonhand 2.0 Patient Kit".
Effat had a stroke 3 years ago, now trying Carbonhand for the first time.
John has inclusion body myositis, watch him try Carbonhand for the first time.
Bryan has Spinal Cord Injury - "Carbonhand will change my life".
User testimonial:
”I can be more active with my children. Because they are the world to me.”